
Greetings and warm welcomes to my blog. From rants, to complaints, to ponderings and the random ramblings of the soul. The complications of a normal teenager and a sneak-peek to the workings of my
mind. Who are you to judge? (header image is not mine. credits rightfully belongs to abyss@TDA)

Friday, November 5, 2010

NaNoWriMo Rant

And there she lay, staring...staring with eyes wide...yes, it was her, it was me. And I am staring at the computer screen. And why, you ask, am I staring?


I am waiting for my muse to return.

Hello willing readers. If you are reading this, it just comes to mean you're crazy, or you love how I split your ears with rants, am I right? Er...maybe not. This rant will be about NaNoWriMo.

I don't get it, really. I had to explain NaNo in my other blog, and I'll have to explain again here. But I don't want to! I'm too lazy. *pouts*

But for the sake of those who are scratching their heads in confusion, I'll just copy and paste from my other blog. :)

So, as I said in my other blog:
Does anybody know what NaNoWriMo is? Well, for those who don't, it means National Novel Writing Month. Every year, at the month of November, writers and non-writers from all over the world get together and aim to write a Novel of 50,000+ words in one month, which is November. So many are in this and many will attempt, but only a few will win. If you reach 50,000+ words by the end of November and submit it in to their website:, you will be labeled a winner.

Now, there isn't any guarantee of a prize except the satisfaction of being a winner and the feeling of accomplishment, but many join. You can write about anything actually: ranging from Sci-fi to Drama Nonsense. I'm actually writing some sort of teenage romance/sci-fi sort of thing and it's my first year. I didn't expect it to be this hard. I'm behind like, three days. I still have to try and write 6,000 words to catch up after this. So there, you now know what's keeping me.

Yeah, so here I am, in my blog, instead of writing my novel. I'm a bad girl, I know. One who has a very bad case of procrastination. Now that you all know what NaNoWriMo is, you can stop scratching your heads now, else people will think you have head lice,'re making my head itchy. :P

So yeah, I'm ranting about how I didn't think it'd be this hard. And now that my muse has ran away to Merlin-knows-where, I'm trying my best to procrastinate here before I go back and face reality that I have not typed one word since two days ago. =_="

I need pressure. So, now I'm off to find pressure through Rat Races! And no, I will not. I am too lazy to explain to you what Rat Races are, except that they aren't rats having races, okay?

Over and Out,

Who knew it would be this hard?
~ Me

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


A piece of advice to all mothers out there:


Nope, never, nuh-uh.

Take today for example:
There I was, sitting and waiting, wanting to bathe the cats and take a bath along with them. But then, there my grandmother also was, and guess what? She began nagging.

It went like this;

Nagging Grandmother: Take a bath.
Me(thinking): Yeah, right. Later.
Nagging Grandmother: Take a bath.
Me: Uh-huh.
Nagging Grandmother: Take a bath.
Me(thinking): That's it. I won't take a bathe anymore. Jeez, what a nag.

Yeah, I know. A bit mean, but most likely, all your naggings would end up like that.

Keep in mind: Teenagers love to think for themselves. They want to do things because they decide to and not because they were told to. If, for example, you do nag them. The things that would be going on in the mind of the teenager would be, "If I do that, I would look like a robot, so never mind." or "I would've done that, but not anymore since she told me to do that." Teenagers want to think, "Well done (insert name here), you decided to do it, and you did!" not "Well done (insert name here), you decided to do it and you did!...even though, well, your grandmother told you to." That wouldn't sound like doing things because you decided to anymore. That would definitely sound like you were doing things because you were told to do this. And teenagers DON'T want to be told to do this. They want to do that THEMSELVES. Because THEY decided to do it. They DON'T want some other person making their decisions for them. They want INDEPENDENCE and TRUST. And CONTROL over their OWN life.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

New Blog

I know what you're thinking. 'Oh no! Klaye's at it again! She already has two blogs that aren't updated as much and now she's making a new one! *insert shocked face here*' But no! The reason I made this is because Dare Klaye takes up too much time, A Child's Innocence is hard for me to relate to and I think this will be a perfect personal diary...I mean, online diary. So, if you think you can bear the rants of a teenager without your ears falling out, be my guest and continue on reading. :)

Welcome to the world of me.

My mind, my opinions, my way.
Get ready for ear-splitting rants of the complications of a teenager.

P.S. Check out my other blogs:
Pretty please?